“Contorted bodies and playful, erotic poses – equally revealing and
concealing – exude tenderness, bridging the gap between sensuality and
sexuality. Berlin-based photographer, artist, and model Sam Morris has
dedicated himself to tying these elements together in his photographic
series. The work can be accessed on his subscription-based website, or
seen in one of his more abundant art exhibitions. The captured gestures
reveal a tenderness often lost in contemporary Grindr, Tinder, and social
media communication, frequently obliterating any form of eroticism through
the aggression that comes from unsolicited advances. Morris brings back
the romanticism of erotic novels, the images representing a natural moment
between the subjects, vaguely interrupted by the observer. His work offers
a perspective on sexuality, gender, and the male form that is separate from
the over-exposure of porn websites. It is a return to intimacy, something that
is hard to find online.”

ADRIANA PAULY – Phosphenes Magazine

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