The bass was palpable, vibrating through my body. Every cell could feel the music. It was absolutely indescribable. I could pick out every percussion & melody. It was running through me. I was hallucinating & dreaming, standing up. I was asleep I think. Occasionally I would open my eyes and I’d moved but hadn’t realised. I just kept swaying. Losing myself into the music like a zombie. I was entranced. I started tripping into another more enlightened part of my brain. I saw my dead grandmother. She spoke to me and sent her love. I had chills. I cried. My head staring to the ceiling.
Before i went AWOL into the panorama bar I was with a group of my friends. I’d gone to the RuPaul Werk the World show with my friend, and afterwards we picked up Violet Chachki, Naomi Smalls, 2 back up dancers and cabbed to Berghain.
We all shot some Jäger & then I brought out a joint and lit it up and we passed it around on the dance floor. It was pure. It hit me way harder than I’d expected. I’d been drinking all night anyway, and it made spin.
I lost the group.
Once you lose your friends in Berghain you will never find them again.
I walked into the main dance floor and surrendered myself.
It was unlike anything I’ve ever experienced.
It awakened & moved me.
Now I get it. I get it.
I get what moves people in Berghain, because something moved me. I was transported, and I’ll never be able to explain how.